
Valve drops Dota 2 7.34 patch notes — entirely in emojis


If you are well-versed in emoticons, you just might be able to read the new Dota 2 7.34 patch notes earlier than most.

The promised Dota 2 7.34 patch is definitely coming, and we are getting a preview of it from a post composed entirely of emojis, released today by Valve.

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つ ◕_◕ ༽つ means Io, apparently: How much of the Dota 2 7.34 patch notes emoji can you parse?

Credit: Valve

While an experienced Dota veteran might be able to parse these patch notes into something legible, most are scrambling for help. Efforts to decipher the patch notes are ongoing within the Dota 2 community, with some users figuring out certain notes for heroes like Invoker and items like Monkey King Bar.

Expect to see adjustments to the Captain’s Mode drafting order, and a ton of changes to items and heroes right before The International 12 qualifiers.

Good luck figuring out the actual details for now — but the good news is that 7.34 should be coming to your client in non-emoji form sooner rather than later.

READ MORE: Valve is making significant changes to The International format with TI12